Each of us has certain characteristics and a hallmark. We have different hair color, eye color and skin tone. If we are aware of our strengths and differences, we will know what type we are. Then with the right choice of make-up, color scale for clothes and accessories, we will achieve the right harmony that will underline our natural beauty. The so-called color typology will help us to know what type we are and how to avoid mistakes and bad impressions.

There are colors that make your personality stand out or completely suppress it.

A simple test will suffice: If you are attracted to an individual's clothing and not his face, in this case the personality has been suppressed. With the colors used correctly, on the other hand, you will remember that the individual had strong eyes, thick hair and looked very pleasant.


First a little theory

When you look at something, your subconscious is the first to notice the colors. And the color perception alone is enough to form an opinion on what you see - like / dislike, I'll pay attention to it / I'll ignore it, and so on. That's why I think every journey for one's own style should start with colors. Thanks to the color typology, you will find out how those colors work for you, you will learn how to work with colors and how to combine them.

All colors that are next to or close to each other interact. (At least the other colors change to neutral gray, so it's suitable as a background.) The same color may look different on a different background each time. And that's why you too can look absolutely great in one T-shirt or shirt, and as soon as you change, they want to call you an ambulance. Some colors just go well with you and others don't.

But typology is not just about finding the best colors, it is also important to learn to work with them. Know how many colors to use and how to combine them to achieve the desired result.

Color can be described in various ways, the Sci \ ART typology describes it, as well as some graphic programs, with three quantities - tone, saturation and brightness. Not only the colors themselves are important for the final impression, but also how many of them you will use and what the overall color contrast will be.



The shade of color is determined by the wavelength of the dominant light, which is represented in the color. For our purposes, we determine the shade with a verbal description, such as red, green, add more as you wish and then it is important for us to distinguish whether the shade is cold - it is represented by more blue or green or warm - it contains more red or yellow.



Saturation, chroma, purity, or if you want the strength of a color, is determined by how much the color contains the base pigment. The more it is, the purer the color (more intense, more radiant) and vice versa, the less it is, the more subdued it is (softer).



Brightness, or brightness, determines the amount of light that a given color reflects. Dark colors absorb most of the light and convert it into heat, while light colors reflect light. (Yes, dark winter clothing and light summer clothing make sense.)



Color contrast is the result of the interaction of two or more colors. Higher contrast represents more energy, while lower contrast is calmer and more balanced. Some color types are inherently more contrasting than others, but within all types, you can work very well with contrast.


We talk about colors, which reveal about us, how we perceive them and how others perceive them on us. Color can affect our mood, recharge our energy or, conversely, make our mood and feelings worse.

White - White means purity, harmony and freshness

bílá White suits virtually every woman, so each of us included her in her wardrobe. It serves great as a complement or as a contrast to another color. White has many shades and those who are afraid of pure radiance can reach for cream or ivory. It is ideal for hot summer days for its ability to reflect light. Can be combined with all colors.

Blue - Blue is the color of logic, the sea and awakening our mind

modrá The blue color expresses confidence, peace and well-being. We feel safe in it. It is one of the best-selling colors for both women and men. Blue is also associated with the hand of the law, with authority. Medium shades of blue perfectly complement wardrobes throughout the year. Pastel shades are suitable for more festive moments and to promote femininity.

Pink - Pink is the color of femininity, empathy and tenderness.

růžová Every woman should have at least one piece of this color in her closet, whether in the form of an accessory or underwear. The color pink can be authoritative if you put it under a dark costume, for example. Not everyone can feel good in a powder or dark version of this color, but fortunately it exists in many tones, such as lottery or apricot. It is definitely not suitable as an all-outfit paint. It flatters our skin.

Purple - Purple is the color of sensitivity and creativity

fiaalová The group of purple shades is from lavender to plum purple. Purple is not a color that would make people comfortable. But it is also the color of spirituality and meditation. Lighter shades such as lilac or soft violet promote relaxation. Try to include it in your wardrobe at least in the form of an accessory and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Red - Red is the color of energy, it is the basic color of the spectrum.

červená Red is the color of love, but also of anger. The range of shades is huge, from raspberry, through tomato to burgundy. The undertone is important here. Warm yellowish and cold bluish. It is a color that brings excitement, stimulates the senses. If you lack energy, cover yourself in red. A combination of lipstick and nail polish, for example with a skirt, works great.

Green - Green is the color of nature. The color of peace and comfort

zelená The green color will add a slightly different dimension to your wardrobe. It has many shades and is suitable for any piece of clothing. In the case of this color, it is necessary to focus on the undertone and wear warm shades such as moss or apple color or, conversely, wear cold ones such as sea green or fir color.

Black - Black can create an atmosphere of authority, but also elegance

černá Dressing in black is easy, safe, but without imagination. It is ideal to always enliven it with a color. You will never spoil anything with black, but nothing should be exaggerated. Can be combined with any color.

Brown - Brown is a great color for moments of rest.

hnědá Brown has many forms. chocolate, coffee, mahogany but also gold. He looks friendly, but also serious. It is an excellent alternative for warm types. However, brown itself is quite boring, so it is advisable to combine it.

Beige - Beige color perfectly replaces black and brown in summer

béžová All tones of beige look kind and friendly. They are suitable for everyone who works with people.

Yellow - Yellow is a symbol of wisdom and high intelligence

žlutá It is the brightest warm color with an invigorating and cheering effect. It supports thinking, stimulates nerves and revitalizes memory. It helps to relax, develop and communicate freely.


From a physical point of view, the color is determined by the wavelength of the light emitted by the light source or reflected from the surface of the body. The human eye is able to pick up waves in the range of about 380 to 750 nm - the so-called visible part of the spectrum - while the human eye is least stressed by observing radiation at a wavelength of 555 nm, which corresponds to the color green. Therefore, the eyes are best rested in nature.

Color typology - scientifically conceived fashion - is divided into 4 basic types.

The divisions are based on nature and are determined according to the seasons SPRING - SUMMER - AUTUMN - WINTER. The division of colors into four seasons is not related to what the weather is like at any given time, when it is warm or cold, but what the color tuning of nature is at that given period. What a color image nature creates! In addition to these four basic types, there are three subtypes of each. The main drawback of the four type typologies was the assumption that it is possible to unambiguously determine for each of them whether warm or cold colors are better for them. Unfortunately, even here, mathematical probability works, and most people (roughly 2/3) are somewhere between these two extremes when it comes to color temperature. So four types really aren't enough. Therefore, another eight tone-neutral types have been added, for which a characteristic other than color temperature is more important - saturation or brightness.

Recognition and understanding of which color type we actually belong to will facilitate the choice of color tuning of the wardrobe and makeup. The so-called color typology is used to determine the type.

Detection of the color type is most suitable for daylight lighting. The background should be gray, as gray has the least effect on other colors. The hair should be pulled back so as not to distort the overall impression too much, the skin is clean, not put on. The so-called scarf test is used to determine the color type, but larger papers in warm colors - up to yellow, yellow-salmon and light pink to bluish pink - can also be used, which we apply to the skin and evaluate the effect of changing the effect of the overall expression .

The spring and autumn types are flattered by warm colors, ie yellowish, yellowish-salmon, next to which the skin and expression glow, they look healthy and fresh. On the contrary, next to the bluish pink, the skin and the overall expression are tired, faint, indistinct.

In addition to bluish colors, summer and winter skin looks natural and clear, but cold shades emphasize skin fatigue, emphasize circles under the eyes, etc.

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A spring woman has fair skin that always has a yellowish or golden base tone. If the spring type wears the right warm colors, the skin will get a peach pink or gold-beige color or a light ivory color. Some women can boast translucent, clean peach skin, others have cheerful golden freckles. They often also have pink faces. The hair of a woman of the spring type is golden-blonde, fawn-like, honey, reddish-blonde or golden-brown, often with a touch of copper. The eyes are light: green, blue, spring-type turquoise, amber, golden brown, often with golden spots on the iris. Some women have eyes as bright and clear as glass.

The light golden colors of spring, as well as all colors with a golden base: ivory, honey, soft light green, apricot, peach, violet blue, but also rich coral red or cornflower blue, go well with the warm golden skin tone. Black and white should be avoided by a spring-type woman, as should all the cold colors in which she looks pale and tired.

 warm-spring  clear spring  light spring


The colors of summer are cold, soft, as if powdered, muted. And so women whose skin is slightly bluish are assigned to the summer type,
cool undertone. The skin of a woman of the summer type is usually very light, pink-beige or yellowish-beige, on the cheeks slightly pink, or sprinkled with freckles. This type is easy to tan and the skin then acquires a hazel color. However, without make-up, a "summer" woman usually looks colorless.
Women's summer hair is ashen blond. In childhood, they are often almost white and only later darken and get an ashen color, whether lighter or darker. The classic brown mouse can also come out of it. In the sun, hair grows significantly again. Some women of this type
their hair tends to be medium to dark brown, even with a rusty undertone.
The eyes are mostly blue to gray-blue, green to gray-green, often with a gray ring around the pupil. The iris is cloudy rather than clear and translucent as in the spring type. There are usually brown or white dots on it, especially in gray, gray-brown and hazel eyes.

A woman of the summer type looks like all the cool, powder colors with a blue undertone: bluish pink, cool sky blue, burgundy, blue-green, pastel green or white natural wool. A "summer" woman should give off pure white, black and yellowish brown tones. She can easily wear rich colors, but she should make sure that they are carefully matched.

light summer  cool%20summer  soft summer


Autumn is a time of warm, earthy tones. Bright, intense yellow and red tones predominate among all colors. Golden earthy tones are also decisive for the type that bears the designation autumn. Cold colors and contrasts do not indicate this type; he looks pale and tired in them. The skin of a woman of the autumn type is warm with a light, golden undertone. Its color ranges from light or pink ivory to golden-beige to bronze, often sprayed with golden brown or rusted freckles. Unlike spring women, "autumn" women do not have pink faces. They are rather pale and need a more pronounced rose, which will enliven the face. They tan slowly and get sunburned easily. The autumn type usually has rusty or at least rust-shiny hair. All shades from chestnut to copper and red to carrot red are represented. The autumn palette of hair shades also includes dark golden fawn or dark brown. Like hair, eyes are usually warm in color. They can be golden brown, dark brown, hazel or amber. In women of this type, there are also green eyes as clear as glass, as well as pale blue eyes, turquoise, blue or olive green "cat" eyes.

The autumn-type woman is put in the best light by all earthy and golden tones. She should prefer creamy white to snow white. Warm apricot or orange-red make her peach skin stand out. Other suitable colors for it are bottle green, kerosene, rusty or corn yellow. On the contrary, she should avoid colors with a touch of blue, cold light pink and all flashy tones.

soft%20autumn  warm-autumn  deep-autumn


The classic "winter" woman is Snow White: skin white as snow, lips red as blood and hair black as ebony. Winter-type skin always has a bluish undertone. The face therefore looks a bit like porcelain, it is cold and rather pale. Otherwise, the color of the skin varies between bright white, pale yellow and light olive. The faces are as if translucent, without a pink tinge, sometimes gray-brown freckles appear. The winter type never really gets a tan. The sun adds maximum light toning to the skin. Winter-type women usually have dark hair, that is, black, black-brown with a red undertone, dark brown with a grayish tinge. Typical of this type is that it soon turns gray. The hair then has a beautiful silver or white color. This type of eyes are bright blue, dark green, black-brown, hazel or gray. A gray ring around the iris is typical.

The colors of winter are therefore cool, bright tones, such as ice blue, ice pink, silvery gray. Only the winter type can afford to wear black and snow-white, the same "pure" colors, such as deep blue, bright red, fir green, lemon yellow. There are also contrasts to his skin: black / red, white / light pink, blue / dark pink, emerald green / ruby ​​red. Orange and blue tones with a touch of yellow do not belong in the winter palette.

deep-winter  clear-winter  cool-winter

Does it seem too complicated to you?

So let's simplify it a bit ...

We humans were created by nature for a certain color image. To complete the picture! Everything fits us - hair color, skin color all over the body, color of lips, eyes, nails .. We are just as perfect as any other natural species. As perfect as the amazing black and white zebra, the fiery rusty fox, the classy golden peacock, or the graceful flowers, like the tan browns, the sparkling blue cornflowers, the velvety purple roses…
The problem arises only at the moment when we begin to mix colors into this perfect interplay, into a harmonized image of our body, according to our own discretion and taste, according to well-meaning advice from friends or fashion advice in the magazine, by starting to make up, dye our hair and dress.


Your best form is the one that nature has given you! You are as perfect as the zebra, like a sunflower, a rose. Recoloring and disrespecting the colors that have been given to me is an unequal and futile struggle against nature. Our only goal should be just that - to look with respect and humility for the few colors that nature would give us if we were born dressed! And that's the whole secret.

Just divide the colors into hot and cold. Spring and autumn are warm colors. Summer and winter are cold. Understanding colors comes through perception and emotion, not through swatches, definitions and categories! Typologies should guide us, but not limit us. Typologies should help and not shove into drawers. Our personality is superior to all rules. There are no boxes around the world, billions of originals are running around the country.

Be yourself
When you want to look your best, you need to feel good.

If you've read this, dear ladies, here, you may already have an idea of ​​what type you are and thus what colors are destined for you and which ones to avoid. In the next article, you will learn how to use individual colors and how to combine them in our beautiful field - nail cosmetics.

Vytvořil Shoptet | Design